
EpsiLon’s key aim is to improve adult education provision in the participating countries and through this inovative learning to allow other European countries to replicate its findings and educational tools. A secondary objective is to design and pilot, evidence-based, user-led effective strategies for enhancing basic skills for adult learners, while developing adult educators’ competences to deal with one of Europe’s most marginalised groups of learners, making use of new technologies and teaching outcomes.

Through a user led methodology and over 24 months, the project will bring together key strategic partners to develop a face-to-face as well as an e-learning version of the training:

Phase 1 – Report, led by IARS concluding the research and theoretical development of the project. This will build the evidence base for the project and its educational tools. It is important as a user led project that we build our outputs on the real needs and voices of LGBT migrants and refugees. Following literature reviews of material in English, Greece, Italian and Dutch, we will conduct qualitative fieldwork with sample groups. This will be one of the first studies looking at these groups and topics in a transnational manner. The evidence will come together in an e-book.

Phase 2 – Face-to-face Training design, delivery of the training and piloting the tools in all countries created by the project and increasing the knowledge and capacity of professionals, volunteers, LGBT people, refugees and other key workers in the participating countries. The modules that will be developed will reflect the research and will respond to the needs that the users will identify. The training will be accredited with CPD status by IARS.

Phase 3 – Online training and design. This will use the findings from the research but also the feedback and the learning from the face to face training. It will be designed in a manner that is accessible independently of location. It will be accredited with CPD status and will include software that will allow it to be translated in all European language.

Phase 4 – Final project report in the form of a peer review edited book with policy recommendations, tools and best practices. This will bring all findings together and will include 5 chapters written in native languages but also a comparative chapter written in English. It will be discussed with various policy makers and education/ training providers at the national and EU level and will be the key product to be disseminated at the closing international conference (multi-plier event).
