Supporting and Including LGBTi Migrants: Needs, Experiences and Good Practices International Conference – May 9th, 2017 / Athens
Supporting and Including LGBTi Migrants: Needs, Experiences and Good Practices International Conference – May 9th, 2017 / Athens
The conference launched the e-book “Supporting and Including LGBTI Migrants: Needs, Experiences and Good Practices” that incorporates the findings of the first phase of the Epsilon project that follows in depth fieldwork involving LGBT migrants, refugees and professionals that was carried out in 5 countries in Greece, the UK, the Netherlands, Italy and Cyprus.
International Conference Agenda | May 9th, 2017
• Rosa Heimer, Equalities Projects Coordinator (IARS International Institute)
EpsiLon Project Overview
• Rosa Heimer, Equalities Projects Coordinator (IARS International Institute)
Comparative Analysis
• Rosa Heimer, Equalities Projects Coordinator (IARS International Institute)
EpsiLon – UK findings
• MOVISIE Jolanda Elferink & Michelle Emmen, Movisie
Support and acceptance of LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees. Needs, experiences and good practices in the Netherlands
• Licia Boccaletti, Jonathan Mastellari (Anziani e non solo)
• Michalis Ioannou, Project Manager, CARDET
EpsiLon –Desk and Field Research findings: The Case of Cyprus
• Ελένη Σακελλαρίου, Κέντρο Μέριμνας Οικογένειας και Παιδιού
Αποτελέσματα έρευνας «ΛΟΑΤ πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες στην Ελλάδα»