IARS Vacancy for a Membership and Communications Associate

The IARS International Institute is pleased to announce a vacancy for a Membership and Communications Associate. The post is offered under our IARS Associate Scheme, and the application deadline is 27th August 13:00. Successful candidates will be invited to a face-to-face/ online interview during the same week. We have a simple online application process via this link https://www.iars.org.uk/content/IARSassociate  The full Job Description and more detailed information about the role can be...

Project newsletter: Issue 3 – August 2018

The consortium is proud to announce the conclusions of its two-year Erasmus+ funded LGBT - led ‘Epsilon’ project. Its final results were presented and debated at the IARS International Institute’s Annual International conference EUROPEAN COMMUNITY VOICES STRONGER TOGETHER: ABUSED AND STIGMATISED NO MORE on 12th July at Middle Temple, Middle Temple Lane, London EC4Y 9AT. The conference was focused on issues facing LGBT migrants and refugees who become marginalised both by the local LGBT communi...